爱上你治愈我是由曹盾,程樯执导,窦骁,苗苗,彭冠英,王思思,金士杰,潘虹,白客,周一围,张峻宁主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:颜书仁(窦骁 饰)是思康医院精神科最年轻有为的客座教授,深受患者和领导的信赖,可谓是前途无量。八年前,颜书仁和同门师妹孙树(苗苗 饰)走到了一起,然而,种种意外的发生让这段感情并没有迎来美满的结局
▤「I'm tired of remembering it that way. Aren't you tired too? Now we all have our sad tales, but don't you want to finish the story? Let it all go and have a life that isn't dictated by the past? It's not the children she comes to save. It's their father. It's your father.」