MM一族是由长泽刚执导,福山润,竹达彩奈,早见沙织,佐藤利奈,田中理惠,阿澄佳奈,矢作纱友里,杉田智和主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:表面看来,砂户太郎(福山润 配音)不过是一介普通少年,但在那人畜无害的面孔之下,隐藏着极为扭曲的个性,没错,砂户太郎是那种一旦被女性粗暴对待就会兴奋的浑身发抖的超级受虐狂!砂户太郎一直深深爱恋着被
this is truly one of the worst written movie script-wise, none of the jokes works, feels like it was written by a 14 yo who laughs at the number 69 and has a weird fetish for pigeons and has read too many fanfics and is raised by two snowflake parents, or it could just be a satire and i completely missed the punchline