守护甜心!是由安田贤司,金泽洪充,工藤进,松田清,榎本守,登坂晋,八濑祐树,饭村正之,三原武宪,大西景介,清水一伸,松村康弘,吉本毅执导,伊藤加奈惠,阿澄佳奈,丰崎爱生主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:故事发生在圣夜学院中,亚梦(伊藤加奈惠 配音)是校园里有名的“刺头”,因为她不仅外表凶狠凌厉,有时说话还十分毒舌。然而,这却并非真实的亚梦。亚梦其实十分胆小害羞,她不过是用强硬的外在作为伪装,将其
Being a Journalist, it seems to stand in a grey zone, it's hard to tell which is right which is wrong, every time the news you report or not report, u have to consider what it will be likely to influence on others. Guessing Heart is hard. good series!