本尊就位粤语是由梁耀坚执导,谢东闵,孔德贤,陈嘉慧,黄嘉乐,韦家雄,甄采浠,李成昌,黎燕珊,郑启泰,秦启维,吴瑞庭,樊亦敏,林颖彤主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:谢东闵入行12年孖住孔德贤当「男一」 与陈嘉慧搞神仙恋 无线艺人谢东闵与孔德贤从未为无线剧集担任男主角,而入行12年的谢东闵终于一尝心愿,孖住入行5年的孔德贤做男一,二人即将开拍公司轻松搞笑民初
Sorry I forgot to record it. It's a lovely romantic movie, and again, George Clooney nailed it. It's funny today someone told me not to say sorry, which means you are weak. I am not sure about the second part, but yes sometimes we don't need to say sorry, although it's just for being polite. Sometimes they will climb on your nose for you being weak