青春抛物线是由谢毅航执导,于朦胧,苗苗,周游,陈欣予,赵茜,王乃超主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:拥有着杰出排球天赋的少女易安乐(苗苗 饰)加入了因为在比赛中屡屡失败而陷入了危机之中的明洋队,刚开始,易安乐因为其娇小的身材和瘦弱的体型而遭到了队友们的质疑,但很快,她就凭借着实力收获了肯定和信赖
“Sacrifice is a part of any journey. It’s like those caravans, the wagon trains that crossed our country a hundred years ago in search of a new home. Or the ships that sailed across the Atlantic in search of a new world. Taking on these great challenges against great odds, that’s what makes us human.”