妖精的尾巴是由石平信司,福岛宏之,石黑恭平,大和直道,安藤正臣,五月女有作,飞田刚,榎本守,筑紫大介,和田纯一,吉泽俊一,布施康之,小野田雄亮,牧野吉高,岛崎奈奈子,间岛崇宽,山崎茂,斋藤德明,清水一伸,米田光宏,浅井义之,京极尚彦,高本宣弘,黑田康弘,岩本保雄,松本佳久,江副仁美,大关雅幸,清水聪,木村宽,水本叶月,池田重隆执导,柿原彻也,平野绫,中村悠一,大原沙耶香,钉宫理惠,堀江由衣主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:《妖精的尾巴》( Fairy Tail )是真岛浩在《周刊少年Magazine》上连载的一部少年漫画。 男主角纳兹“Natsu”这个名字的日文原意为“夏天”。 故事叙述在一个充满魔法的世界——
The very first modern western movie, and the model for all of those to come. The elements of narration and filmography that it sets hold steady until now and probably for still a long time - see Tarantino's hateful eight for their confirmation. Most of the ideas on it are simple, but it takes a master to put the ingredients all in place and to cook something this delicious. Without any obvious main character, but rather a complex mix of persona, each cristallizing a class or a segment of society. This a Western movie to be sure, with all the parts that make up the mechanics, but it is above all a satire. One that is politically engaged too, especially in regards to the banker role.