重生计划是由小坂知,关晓子,中田诚,高桥亨,山田弘和,奥野浩行,神原敏昭,备前克彦执导,小野贤章,茅野爱衣,内田雄马,上田丽奈,户松遥,木村良平,浪川大辅,泽城美雪,羽多野涉,白石凉子,伊藤静,渡边明乃主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:海崎新太(小野贤章 配音)的人生在二十七岁之时走入了死胡同之中,工作仅三个月就选择辞职,两次参加考研却均无功而返,想要找一个可以糊口的工作却屡屡失败受挫,新太不知道也不想知道,究竟还会有什么在未来
1. Run, Gump, just run. You clever boy. 2. Come and figure out your destiny, life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. 3.Take it easy, although this chance go away, there'll be another one along shortly. 4.Be kind to your child. 5. Be a good husband, be a good wife, love each other, do not running away.